Hosting agreement

Hosting agreement template (with employment contract)

Hosting agreement template (with internship)

Hosting agreement template (with National Scholarship Program of the Government of the SR)

Employee recruitment

Onboarding leaflet

Manual for SAS PhD students

Notice of the stay

List of slovak centres for foreign diseases

Permission for institutions for admitting third country citizens for research and development

Act No. 172/2005 on Organisation of State Support for Research & Development and on Amendment of the Act No. 575/2001 Coll. – in Slovak only

Information at Central information portal for research, development and innovation

How to get the persmission (guide for institutions)

Affidavit template

Application template

Posting vacancies on Euraxess platform (guide for institutions)


Recognized criminal record extracts of Ukraine

Ukrainian researchers recruitment (guide for institutions)

More information and contacts

Temporary residence permit applications

Application for temporary residence permit

Application for renewal of temporary residence permit

Affidavits to TRP application

Application for delivery of residence permit card

Passport affidavit

Affidavit – purpose of the stay

Affidavit – accommodation

Affidavit – financial coverage for wife

Affidavit – financial coverage for husband

Affidavit – child

Temporary residence – fact sheets (source MIC IOM)

Temporary residence – employment

Temporary residence – studies

Temporary residence – family reunion

Temporary residence – special activity

Social Affairs and Family

Information on benefits published by Central Office of Labor, Social Affairs and Family