Our Team

The contact persons for Euraxess Point SAS are:

Mgr. Martina Bilková

☎ phone: +421 (0) 2 57510 172

☎ mobile phone: +421 (0) 0904 300 832 – from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM

e-mail address: euraxess_point@savba.sk

Our tasks are

  • providing general information and administrative support with documents necessary for processing the visa and temporary residence permit
  • providing general information on health and social insurance (provided information does not replace an official statement of state bodies and authorities, for official statements we recommend contacting the Social Insurance Agency, the Health Insurance Agency and the National Labor Inspectorate)
  • checking the relevant documents required for the visa application and temporary residence permit
  • providing personal assistance at the Foreign Police Department in Bratislava
  • dealing with specific, difficult situations – providing information after consultation with relevant experts
  • in relation to Slovak Embassies and the Department of Foreign Police, EURAXESS Point SAS acts only within the standard procedure and office hours. We do not interfere with the functioning and competences of other bodies and we do not handle exceptions in the sense of speeding up the administrative process, etc.


Office of the Slovak Academy of Sciences

Štefánikova 49

814 38 Bratislava

+421 (0) 2 57510 172


Legal Disclaimer:

Information was provided in the framework of the EURAXESS – Researchers in Motion programme, a unique pan-European initiative, which through EURAXESS Network provides assistance and information in 40 countries. EURAXESS Slovakia enables the access to a broad spectrum of information and services, informs about researcher’s mobility funding opportunities, provides assistance with practical issues related to international mobility of researchers and their family members and bring tips for career development of researchers. Information provided does not substitute the official information sources and the information given by official administration. The information provided gives no right for claims or legitimate expectations of any kind.