after arrival to Slovakia


NOTICE OF THE STAY at the Foreign Police Department

  • if a family member has arranged his/her individual accommodation – he/she reports his/her stay independently within 3 working days after entering the Slovak Republic
  • if a family member is accommodated in accommodation facility (hotel, hostel, etc.) – this facility reports his/her stay

TEMPORARY RESIDENCE – an application, check of all documents needed for the application, booking an appointment at the Foreign Police Department via the online booking system


The application must be submitted in PERSON on the official form and in the Slovak language at one of the departments of the Foreign police, using the online booking system.

Two life situations were added as options to online booking system for temporary residence for the purpose of family reunion:

              – Family – renewal of temporary residence

              – Family – granting of temporary residence. 

 The reservation enables the issuance of a Family Ticket and is possible only on Wednesdays after the lunch break (at 12:30, 1:15 and 2:00 p.m.).

This service is intended for the submission of applications for relevant families (spouses) and families with children (parents + a maximum of 3 children under 18).

In the case of a minor child, the application is submitted by the legal representative – PARENT. If the applicant cannot submit the application in person due to bed-bound, the application is submitted by the person whom he/she applies for family reunion.

  • Application and the relevant documents must be complete, otherwise the application will not be accepted
  • All necessary documents must be prepared when applying for national visa = before coming to Slovakia
  • The application must be submitted within the validity of national visa (or within the 90-days period of visa free regime for citizens of countries with visa free regime).
  • If a complete residence application is submitted and accepted at the Foreign Police Department, applicant can stay in Slovakia legally until decision is made.
  • The Department of the Foreign Police will decide within 90 days from receiving the complete application
  • Temporary residence for the purpose of family reunion is granted until the expiry of the temporary residence of the national with whom the third-country national applies for family reunion, but for a maximum period of 5 years
  • Administrative fee is 200 € paid in stamps, if submitting the application at the Foreign Police Department, children under 18 years of age are exempted from the fee
  • the issuing of a residence card (“kartička”) can take up to 30 days (10 € fee paid in stamps) or expeditiously within 2 days (39 € fee paid in stamps) after decision = 90 days for decision + 30 (standard) or 2 days (express) for issuance of residence card
  • The residence card is delivered by Slovak Post Office courier after receiving of SMS notice from the Foreign Police Department – the police informs the applicant that the residence was granted and until what date exactly it was granted


      • Form – application – completely filled in Slovak and signed by the applicant – you can find it under the name „Žiadosť o udelenie prechodného pobytu“
      • 2 x Recent full-face colour photograph – 3×3,5 cm
      • Valid passport
      • National visa – type D
      • Documents proving the purpose of the stayfamily reunion:
        a document (registrar document) proving the relationship with the person with whom the applicant applies for family reunion – so called warrantor/guarant of the stay:
        •  Spouse marriage certificate
        •  Child birth certificate
          • + Affidavit by the legal guardian (parent) that the child is free
          • + In case it is a child of his/her spouse – a copy of the decision of the competent authority to entrust the child to personal care
          • + The consent of the parent to whom the child has not been entrusted and who has the right to meet with the child, that he/she agrees with the reunion
        • A person dependent on care – birth certificate
          • + confirmation from the doctor that the medical condition requires the care of another person
          • + a proof that there is no one to provide support in the country of origin
      • A copy of the warrantor´s residence document (the person with the granted residence, or the person who applies for a residence permit and with whom the applicant applies for family reunion)
      • Documents proving the financial security of the stay
      • An Affidavit of the warrantor that he/she will provide the applicant with financial and material support during his/her stay in Slovak Republic (in the amount of the subsistence minimum for each month of stay) – see Templates of documents
      • as of July 2024, the amount of subsistence minimum is EUR 273.99/month/one adult person. For child under 18 years of age – half of the amount.
      • If the length of stay exceeds one year, the amount of 12 times the minimum subsistence level is required =  EUR 3 287.88/year/one adult person. For child under 18 years of age – half of the amount.
      • Confirmation of accommodation:
      • it must prove accommodation of the warrantor/guarant of the stay and his/her family members (applicants for temporary residence permit) at the same address
      • Affidavit of the warrantor on property ownership/rental contract (applicant as tenant/one of the tenants – officially verified signatures of the landlord and tenant)/confirmation of the accommodation facility (hotel/hostel)/affidavit of the property owner (individual/legal entity) on providing accommodation to a foreigner
      • Criminal Record Extractfrom the country of citizenship and from countries where he has resided for more than 90 days in the last 3 years for 6 consecutive months (does not apply to a child under 14 years of age) – superlegalized / apostilled and translated into Slovak by official translator.

      Apart from the registrar documents (e.g. marriage certificate/birth certificate), all other documents must not be older than 90 days at the time of submitting the application. All documents issued abroad must be superlegalized/apostilled and translated into Slovak by official translator.

      As of 15. July 2024 affidavits can be signed directly at the Foreign Police without the need for official (notary) verification, except the affidavit of the owner of property providing accommodation to a foreigner (owner will probably not come with the applicant to the Foreign Police to sign his/her affidavit)

      Duties after being granted temporary residence – after collecting the residence card:

      Submit to the Foreign Police a medical record not older than 30 days confirming that you do not suffer from a disease endangering public health. The list of specialized medical centres you can find here (medical record is issued for a fee).

      Sign up for health insurance within 3 working days from receiving the residence card.

      Submit a document on health insurance at the Foreign Police within 30 days from receiving the residence card.

      Social Affairs and Family

      Information on benefits published by Central Office of Labor, Social Affairs and Family