Changes in the Act on Residence of Foreigners related to extraordinary situation declared in connection with the war in Ukraine

Information of MIC IOM

The Slovak parliament has approved an amendment to the Act on the Residence of Foreigners, which is dealing with issues emerging in connection with the war in Ukraine. 

Note: a crisis situation is to be understood as an extraordinary situation or a state of emergency declared in connection to the COVID-19 disease. 

IMPORTANT: On 26 February 2022 the extraordinary situation was declared in connection with the war in Ukraine which is still in force.  


If you have applied for a temporary residence (§ 31 section 3) or for a permanent residence permit for 5 years, you are authorized to stay on the territory of the Slovak Republic until the decision on your application is made.


Should the validity of your temporary, permanent or tolerated residence expire during the extraordinary situation, your residence will not expire. Its validity will be extended until two months after the revocation of a extraordinary situation. You can apply at the competent Foreign Police for a new residence document (card) with a specific date of validity, which can be issued after the approval of the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic and if it is necessary to fulfill the purpose of your stay. 


The following deadlines do not apply during the period of extraordinary situation on:

  • deciding on the application for the temporary residence (standard deadline: 30/90 days from the submission of the complete application),
  • deciding on the application for renewal of the temporary residence (standard deadline: 30/90 days from the submission of the complete application),
  • deciding on the application for the issuance of Blue Card (standard deadline: 30 days from the submission of a complete application),
  • deciding on the application for renewal of Blue Card (standard deadline: 30 days from the submission of a complete application),
  • deciding on the application for the permanent residence for 5 years (standard deadline: 90 days from the submission of a complete application),
  • deciding on the application for the permanent residence for an unlimited time (standard deadline: 90 days from the submission of a complete application),
  • deciding on the application for the long-term residence (standard deadline: 90 days from the submission of a complete application),
  • deciding on the application for granting or renewing a tolerated residence (standard deadline: 15 days from the submission of the request),
  • deciding on the application for a residence for a child born in the Slovak Republic or the EU (standard deadline: 30 days from the submission of a complete application),
  • decision-making in administrative proceedings (standard period: immediately/30/60 days from the start of the proceedings).

In justified cases Ministry of Interior may prolong or pardon missing deadlines if the deadline expired during the extraordinary situation.