after arrival to Slovakia
RESEARCHER – citizen of EU/EEA/Swiss national
COVID-19 MEASURES: registration via eHranica, flight registration, quarantine, PCR test
- quarantine – mandatory home isolation in case the researcher has the private accommodation (flat rent, room rent) or quarantine accommodation in SAS Dormitory – Royova 10 street in case he/she is accommodated in one of the SAS facilities
- PCR test
- if researcher undergoes quarantine individually in private accommodation – he/she reports his/her stay individually within 10 working days from entering Slovakia
- if doctoral student is accommodated in the SAS dormitory – his/her stay is reported by the accommodation facility
- he/she can stay in Slovakia without further obligations up to 90 days from entering the country, after 90-day period the EU/EEA/Swiss national must apply for registration of residence in Slovakia within 30 days
- in PERSON – at the competent Foreign Police Department
- after booking of an appointment in advance via online system
Required documents:
- „Application for registration of right of residence of Union Citizen“/„Žiadosť o registráciu práva občana Únie“ – filled in Slovak language and signed by the applicant, you can find it under the name Application for renewal of the temporary residence
- valid passport or identification card
- document proving the purpose of the stay – Hosting agreement
(if he/she fails to prove the employement in SR, then document proving sufficient financial means – bank account statement – the subsistence level in Slovakia up to 30.06.2021 is 214,83 €/month – on every month of stay)
- document proving health insurance in the territory of the Slovak Republic (European Health Insurance Card) or confirmation of insurance for reimbursement of medical expenses in the territory of the SR
Confirmation about the residence registration of an EU/EEA/Swiss national is issued by the Foreign Police Department on the day of submitting a complete application.In case he/she fails to submit a document on accommodation, the municipality where he/she will be staying will be stated as the address.
If there is an interest in issuance of a residence document „Residence card of EU/EEA/Swiss national“, it is required to submit with the application also:
- 2x recent full-face photograph 3 x 3,5 cm,
- document proving accommodation – in Slovak language – one of the following – notarised:
- an affidavit of EU/EEA/Swiss national about ownership of property (if he/she owns the property)
- confirmation about the accommodation issued by (e.g. a hotel, boarding house, dormitory)
- a tenancy agreement with the owner of the property (person/legal entity) – both signatures (of tenancy and owner) notarised
- an affidavit of the property owner (person/legal entity) about the provision of accommodation
- 4,50 € (in stamps) for issuance of a residence document
The Act on the Residence of Foreigners does not stipulate the obligation for EU citizens (only the possibility) to apply for a residence permit, but in contact with some institutions (eg banks, insurance companies) this may greatly facilitate the completion of other formalities related to everyday life in Slovakia.